HanG321 Blog

uBuntu, VBCommenter, nDoc


但是ubuntu預設不給root帳號登入, 所以當你要用root權限的時候
就打 sudo 指令… 就可以有root的權限了 (前提是帳號已經被加入admin group)

不用再靠sudo, 用root的帳號登入

#sudo passwd root (輸入指令)
Password: (系統請你輸入密碼,此時請輸入你自己的密碼)
Enter new UNIX passwoed: (輸入root新的密碼)
Retype new UNIX Password: (再次輸入root新的密碼)
Passwd:password updated successfully

VBCommenter http://www.gotdotnet.com/team/ide/helpfiles/VBCommenter.aspx

The Ability to automatically generate XML comment headers for classes, methods and properties in the VB .NET editor
The generation of the XML comment file to go along with your VB assemblies at build time.
This file can also be used with the “Custom Help Builder” PowerToy to build a full help package for your class library assemblies.

nDoc Code Documentation Generator for .NET http://ndoc.sourceforge.net/

NDoc generates class library documentation from .NET assemblies and the XML documentation files generated by the C# compiler (or with an add-on tool for VB.NET).