落大雨….. 都仲要去到報到….. 可恨的官僚/僵化的制度…….. food court …… LCD TV, 多d 空間…..換來的就是座位的減少 同 阿bye 教既中學生打 friendly…… 說實在的….他們整體上好過當時的我們…. 上了老楊的家, 玩了3 個多小時都未玩完既大富翁, 看了movie “saw” …. 驚慄片…….不是自己喜歡的類型…. 無啦啦通頂….. 做左份問卷…… 跟住日研了一些很久沒見既 fd …..http://www.my3q.com/go.php?url=panpanfds/22704 小睡片刻出去訂機票…… 行了一陣街….. g2000 既西裝好平… 由 千幾減到三舊, 不過我都唔使著 suite 既~~:) 用 dojo toolkit (javascript) 弄了個 fish eye 玩玩, 仲有 vista feel 既 icon bootcamp 1.1 updated … 原來唔使 re …
http://hk.f1.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/1112337541 代 fd post ~~ HP laptop with 2GB ram, Bought in May 2006, coz he wanna buy another laptop with better display card and Core 2 Duo.
同simantado 打左1hr tennis, 好爽 ~~~ 不過反手完全唔掂……. 之後行雷閃電落大雨… 好彩早一步返到 發左個好奇怪既夢, 時間, 地點, 人物完全錯誤……. 只有一個共通點….. 2 hr sweating……OosHers @ wine appreciation, 智利. 法國. 芝士. 牛扒. 火腿. 燻蹄 >> 正 hoho, 一定要create 那system 啦~~~ 等住用 🙂 細O 聚 @ Calefe Cafe , 食物一般, 唔貴, service 幾好, 不過唔係 non-smoking seems OK after applying the hotfix….. yet… no one 100% …
testing :: copy it out from CAS during save and copy back during open QueryOpen
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Dim testRTF As Variant Set testRTF = doc.GetFirstItem("C_AckAttach") If (testRTF.type = RICHTEXT) Then Call testRTF.Remove End If Set testRTF = New NotesRichTextItem(doc, "C_AckAttach") Dim rti As NotesRichTextItem Set rti = doc.GetFirstItem("testRTF2") Call testRTF.appendRTItem(rti) |
agent for saving doc
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' TEST by HP 1808 Dim rti As Variant Set rti = doc.GetFirstItem("testRTF2") If (rti.type = RICHTEXT) Then Call rti.remove End If Set rti = New NotesRichTextItem(doc, "testRTF2") Dim rticas As NotesRichTextItem 'create new rti for testRTF2 Set rticas = doc.getFirstItem("C_AckAttach") Call rti.appendRTItem(rticas) ' end test |
明天終極一戰 要多d memory ~~ 你問我星期一有冇upload 過某template 上 UAT ….. 成四十幾個template … 鬼記得有冇搞過…… 陣容不整 ….. 被忘記了………….. 好慘 🙂 禪 ……. 係要”頓悟” 的…… 有緣千里來相會,無緣對面不相逢
上唔到newsgroup ….. 星期日晚組聚 ( 8 – 10 個掛 ) ~~~ 想去cafe 但又唔想 包場… 仔女話冇 $$ ~ 唔知book 得唔得既呢 …………… http://www.up4food.com/viewCafe.do?catererId=yaumukyan http://www.up4food.com/viewCafe.do?catererId=calefe 各位有冇好推介呢 ~~
Saving the documet at 1st time, data is still keep on the uidoc instead of doc. Thus, need to check it is newdoc and call uidoc.save ……
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Call uidoc.Refresh If doc.isnewnote Then Call uidoc.Save Else Call doc.save(True, True) End If Call uidoc.Close |
今晚幸運之神照了一下, 看似solve 了, 明天就有分曉 ~~~ 要了一客神戶牛柳, 明知這價錢既貨不是那級數 🙂 Teach Yourself LotusScript in 5 days…………..
In a controlled access section, in order to have access you must be listed in the list of names that has access to that section. The list of names can be hard-coded or computed, but it must be a list of names. So what if you have access to your database controlled through roles and …
Doclinks, Db links, or View links can become corrupt in Controlled Access Sections There is NO WORKAROUND beyond re-creating the link !!!!